Our partners
Programme for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (PSMNR)
PSMNR has been involved in Eco-tourism development in Mount Cameroon Nationa Park in the elaboration of eco-tourism strategy, elaboration of eco-tourism development plan, collaboration with tours operators, and design/construction of eco-tourism infrastructure within Mount Cameroon National Park by opening 27 km access track, building ecolodges in Hut 2 (Fako Mountain lodge) and Mann Spring lodge. PSMNR also implemented a camera trap monitoring project to detect wildlife trends particularly for terrestrial vertebrates within Mount Cameroon National Park. Visit PSMNR website to read more about thier intervention in Mount Cameroon National Park.
Visit the PSMNR website to see more of their intervention.
Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF)
The Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) in Cameroon has the mandate for the management and monitoring of forests including protected areas; with the valuation of all forest and fauna resources and with the issue of peoples’ access to those resources and/or to the benefits that are generated from it.
Visit the MINFOF website to see more of their intervention.
Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KFW)
KfW is the German Development Bank carrying out financial cooperation on behalf of the German Federal Government, and primarily the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). KFW helps partner countries fight poverty, maintain peace, protect both the environment and the climate and shape globalisation in an appropriate way. Address: B.P.7814, Yaoundé, Cameroun.
Visit the kfw website to see more about their intervention.
GFA Consulting Group is a well networked German company with a sound track record of providing effective solutions tothe challenges in the global consulting market. Working in cooperation with stakeholders in government, the private sector, NGOs and citizens’ groups, GFA balances innovation and reliability to meet local needs.
Visit the GFA website to see more of their intervention
Deutsche Forst Service GmbH is a German consulting company specialized in natural resource management and in particular in forest sector development, providing consulting services in three core areas of expertise: Forest Resources Management, Environment and Climate Change, and Sustainable Development. DFS’s mission is to enhance the sustainable management of natural resources for the benefit of people and biodiversity. DFS is part of the programme consultant consortium for the execution of PSMNR-SWR.
Visit the DFS website to see more of their intervention
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WWF plays a prominent role for the implementation of collaborative management approach in Mount Cameroon National Park, by supporting communities to adopt sustainable and eco-friendly livelihoods for the benefit of nature and humanity. In PSMNR-SWR WWF acts through the WWF Coastal Forests (SAWA) Programme in Mt Cameroon National Park, Korup National Park and Bayang-Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary.Visit WWF website to read more about their intervention in Mount Cameroon National Park.
Visit the WWF website to see more of their intervention.
Local NGOs and community based organizations
Mount Cameroon National park works together with a number of local NGOs and community based organizations. In the field of Prunus Africana bark harvesting and commercialization a MoU has been signed with MOCAP CIG.
Universities and Research Institutions
Since several years, researchers from the Charles University and several institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences (both Czech Republic) are undertaking ecological, botanical and zoological studies in the Mount Cameroon National Park.. Visit the Charles University in Prague website to see more of their intervention.
Mount Cameroon National Park is also working in collaboration with the Faculty of Science of the University of Buea (Republic of Cameroon).
Visit the University of Buea website to see more of their intervention.